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Legal Requirements

The following requirements are for legal marriages only. The Wedding Coordinator must receive the following documents to begin the application for marriage in the Civil Registry Office.

An Apostille seal:


Canada or other countries: Papers are to be legalized with a seal at the Dutch Consulate

The wedding coordinator will send you the legal request form (Wedding Petition Form) to provide the following information:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Nationalities
  • Ages
  • Occupation & relationship for bride, groom and witnesses (Witnesses can be relatives, friends or anyone who has a passport.) 

Contact your wedding coordinator for more details.

Any fees for the above mentioned services are included in our Wedding Packages. It is the couple’s responsibility to have all the documents ready and on the island in time. Non-Refundable Government fee $300.00 US for stays of 6 nights or less has to be $400 for legal ceremony cancellation within 30 days.
Important notes:

  • Judges do not celebrate weddings on Sunday or holidays.
  • Names on all legal documents must perfectly match (birth certificates, copy of ID and tourist card).
  • These documents MUST be sent to the resort three months prior to client’s arrival, with the wedding couples’ information form to the attention of the Wedding Coordinator. Please note documents should be sent through courier mail (ie. FedEx or DHL)