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Whistleblowing Channel

Welcome and scope of the law

Welcome to our internal system for reporting information on work-related issues within the Hyatt Inclusive Collection. The system allows you to report any breaches of European Union Law or any actions or omissions that may be a serious or very serious criminal or administrative breach of Law 2/2023 of February 20, regarding the protection of people that report regulatory breaches and instances of corruption.

How can information be reported

The Hyatt Inclusive Collection internal system allows information to be presented in writing and/or verbally. The following channels can be used:

The internal channels for reporting information are:

• Phone (managed externally): + 34 91 091 74 04 (code 13779)

• Web app (managed externally):

• In person or by post: together with the person responsible for the internal information system if you so wish, at: Carrer Gremi de Cirurgians i Barbers, 48, 2ºE, 07009 Palma, Balearic Islands.

Your message must contain the most detailed information possible. You should not submit any personal data that is not relevant to the information.

After submitting information through any of the channels, you will get a message acknowledging receipt of your report within 7 days, unless doing so jeopardises in any way the confidentiality of the message. If you report information by phone from a landline, you must provide your email address or mobile phone number so that you can receive the acknowledgement of receipt. Not providing this information will make it impossible for us to send you the acknowledgement.

How your report is managed

The confidentiality of the information reported and the protection of those providing the information and any third parties during the processing of reports submitted through the internal information system are guaranteed at all times, as required by Law 2/2023 of February 20.

Every report will automatically be assigned a specific case number and the person making the report will receive a message acknowledging receipt of the report.

If a report is made anonymously, the system will display the acknowledgement of receipt on the screen when the report is made and also provide a password. This password must be used to access the report and track its progress, to get in touch with the person in charge of handling the case, and to provide additional information or respond to possible requests for more information.

Once the report is received, the person in charge of handling the case will carry out a preliminary analysis to ascertain whether it is within the scope of the internal information system and decide if it would be appropriate to launch an investigation.

Within 3 months, which may be prolonged by a further 3 months if necessary due to the complexity of the issue, the person making the report will receive information on how the case has been handled and, where appropriate, the result of the investigation.

Data protection

We inform you that all personal data contained in any communications will be processed as described in our Privacy Policy.


Reports can be made completely anonymously through the web app. Providing personal information is not mandatory.

External information channels

Reports may also be made, either directly or after filing a report through internal channels, concerning breaches of European Union Law or any actions or omissions that may be a serious or very serious criminal or administrative breach of Law 2/2023, to the Independent Authority for the Protection of Whistleblowers, the competent authorities, and, when appropriate, to EU institutions, organisations or agencies.

Links to external channels

• Independent Authority for the Protection of Whistleblowers. (Pending Creation)

• National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service regarding any fraud or irregularities involving European funds:

• European Anti-Fraud Office:

• Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility:

• The external communications channel of the Competition Department of the National Commission on Markets and Competition:

• The National Tax Administration Agency:

• The National Data Protection Agency:

• Ministry of Fiscal Affairs:

• European Public Prosecutor's Office regarding crimes against the financial interests of the European Union: